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5 Pieces of Bartender and Drinks Terminology, Explained

What exactly is “bartender’s ketchup”?

Why Library By the Sea Is Already the Best Bar of 2024

The new Cayman Island cocktail bar is inspired by both classic literature and high-tech kitchen science

Cereal Sales Are Down, But These Childhood Faves Are All Over Cocktail Menus

We're even more cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs when they come with whiskey

The Difference Between Club Soda, Seltzer and Tonic Water

Even though they're all carbonated water, they serve different purposes when making cocktails

Wait, This Is the Top Spirits Brand in the US?

One particular canned cocktail is propelling the drinks market

You Can Bet on Drinks at This Stock Market-Themed Bar

An early aughts trend returns. Invest in and imbibe Manhattans, Sidecars and Martinis at watering holes where prices fluctuate with demand.

This Was the Top Trending Cocktail on Google in 2023

It's a modern, equal-parts classic with mezcal and yellow Chartreuse

Danger Danger Is More Than the Year’s Best Bar

The Bushwick rock ’n’ roll lounge is cool, vibrant and surprisingly wallet-friendly

We’ll All Be Drinking More Limited-Edition Spirits in 2024

A “less but better” approach is taking hold in the drinks world. Other forecasted trends include improved no/low-alcohol options and an interest in “European flavors.”

New Barware From Dunkin' and Martha Stewart Finds an Audience

Three of the four items in their collaborative collection are already sold out

Experts Say These Are the Best Cocktails to Enjoy Inflight

Our senses are dulled in the air, but science says these drinks will wake them right up

Should We Really Stop Garnishing Our Cocktails?

Those little bits of fruits and herbs are driving a sustainability debate, but they’re also an integral part of many mixed drinks

Mushroom Cocktails Are Everywhere. That’s a Good Thing.

There’s a fungus among us (at least in our drinks)

Gin & Tonics Taste Best at These 6 London Hotels

Go for the sleep, stay for the drinks