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How to Recover a Friendship You Lost

Trust, intimacy and olive branches are all crucial, according to relationship experts. So is recognizing that your pickleball partner may not be on the same level as your college roommate.

The Male Friendship Equation: Meeting a Loneliness Crisis Head-On

Americans are increasingly isolated, especially men. This month, instead of despairing, we’re exploring the state of male friendship, warts and all.

There Are Two Sides to the Brain Implant Story

As Neuralink recently showed, the medical case for brain-machine interfaces is clear. Experts are divided on the next step: upgrading otherwise healthy humans.

A Skeptic’s Trip to the Heart of Ayahuasca Tourism

Why are veterans, psychologists and lawyers traveling to Costa Rica to drink a hallucinogenic brew that’s illegal in the U.S.? Kinga Philipps joined them to find out.

Why Are the Finnish People So Happy, Anyway?

The chummy folks do a lot right. But here are three things they don't do.

Why It’s Beneficial to Spend Time in Cemeteries

Increasing your sense of "death awareness" is the first step to a better life

One Surefire Way to Boost Your Brain Health This Year

People with a clear sense of purpose score better on this "brain care" card

Have You Fallen Into the “Second Screening” Trap?

In an era of rampant screen time, television deserves your full attention

A Higher Dose of Morning Light Will Change Your Life

We spoke with physicians and researchers about fine-tuning your "light diet"

Life Lessons From a Wellness Retreat in the Berkshires

Canyon Ranch isn't just a getaway. It's a gateway to healthier living.

Your Last, Best Defense Before Sleep Divorce

In which we sing the unheralded praises of the "split king" bed

How to Raise Your Kids in the Social Media Age

A good place to start? Devorah Heitner, author of “Growing Up in Public,” says to stop spying on them.

How to Defeat Your Pesky Task Paralysis

The psychological phenomenon is more common than ever in the digital age

What Online Gambling Is Doing to Our Brains and Bodies

Money down, cortisol up: Omnipresent betting is taking its toll

The Case for Eavesdropping

It gets a bad rap, but "listening in" is actually good for you

The “1000 Hours Outside” Movement, Explained

How much time do you (or your kids) spend outdoors in a given year?