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Why “Showing Up” Is an Underrated Wellness Virtue

Consistency is everything. We discuss the benefits of lifelong devotion.

Which Tech CEO Has the Best Shot of Living to 150?

From Bryan Johnson to Jack Dorsey, we break down the top supercentenarian contenders

Your Last, Best Defense Before Sleep Divorce

In which we sing the unheralded praises of the "split king" bed

There Might Be a Simple Way to Rid Water of Most Microplastics

The type of water being boiled makes a difference

The Nutrition Tradition That All Households Should Try

Sometimes the simplest weekly rituals are the ones you end up looking forward to most

Why You Should Start Racing People on Your Commutes

Power-walking is the single best everyday habit you can adopt this year

Study Links Alzheimer's Cases to Growth Hormone From Cadavers

This builds on earlier studies exploring the same point in medical history

The Anti-Inflammation Primer: 7 Ways to Fight Back This Year

Chronic inflammation intersects with just about every disease you've ever heard of. Let's get it under control.

The Lifespan Expectancy Gender Gap Is Narrowing

A recent study analyzed data from a large group of countries

12 “Slow Living” Strategies That Will Increase Your Longevity

You don't have to live off the grid to put these habits to good use

10 Straightforward Resolutions Worth Embracing in the New Year

Skip the unrealistic moonshots. Opt for these joyous lifestyle adjustments instead.

Learning How Animals Hibernate Could Help Humans Live Longer

Bears, squirrels and bats all have plenty to teach us

How “Sleep Minimums” Quietly Steal Years From Our Lives

You may think you can get by on just a few hours of shut-eye, but you're doing more harm than good.